Addictions And Habits

Addiction is the result of the Limbic System becoming hijacked and the brain believing that the person has a survival need, which is then reinforced by the chemical being produced and released. Addictions can also often negatively impact the people around the person with the addiction.

Humans can become addicted to any mind-altering substances - drugs (prescribed, legal and illegal), alcohol, cigarettes, caffeine and even food; many millions of people are addicted to sugar, fat and white flour.

We can also become addicted to behaviours and thoughts: work, exercise, sex, love, relationships, gambling, self-harming, computer games, Internet, pornography, shopping, adrenaline, crime, religion, anger, worry, guilt, fantasy, perfectionism, fear, envy, power, financial trading, fame, co-dependency and even grief.

These “process” addictions can be just as damaging as drugs- sometimes even more so. For example:
Family relationships are destroyed by work and sex addictions.
Gambling and shopping addiction can create huge debts and stress.
Food and exercise addictions can seriously harm the body.
Love and fantasy addiction can take over your mind and create enormous emotional pain.

Often, Addictions are about control, trying to not feel certain feelings and to create desired feelings (self-esteem, confidence, euphoria, numbness, excitement, courage, etc).

Our approach to treating all addiction, including both substance abuse and behavioural addiction, is based on the most current clinical evidence. Our therapy treatments are put in to practise by our wide range of experienced and diverse therapists, who offer alternative approaches to give you both the knowledge and coping skills to live without the use of harmful chemicals or addictive behaviours.


Dr Sukul Diwaker