Profile picture of Dr Tatyana Bosh

Dr Tatyana Bosh


Available Upon Request in person and online


Bioregulatory Medicine


£220 per 60 minutes in person or 90 minutes online


Royal Society for Public Health

British Register of Complementary Practitioners

Honorary Fellow of the International Society for Bioregulatory Medicine

Dr Bosh graduated as a Medical Doctor in 1985, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina;

Whilst working as a GP, she enrolled in postgraduate study of pharmacology, which precipitated her ultimate commitment to a drug-free medical approach;

Driven by her research into the psychosomatic process, Dr Bosh studied various ancient and contemporary therapeutic methodologies of both, eastern and western medicine, and as a result introduced a variety of CAM therapies into her holistic medical practice, including: Acupuncture, Psychotherapy, Homeopathy, Homotoxicology and Antihomotoxic Therapy, Phytotherapy, Nutrition, Iridology, Colour Therapy, and synthetic bodywork based on Shiatsu, Cranio-sacral therapy, Lymphatic Drainage Massage, Bioenergetics, Kinesiology and Postural Alignment techniques, such as Alexander Therapy;

In team work with Dr D. Shakambet, Dr Tatyana Bosh postulated Bioregulatory Medicine and the Biomedic Health System – a uniquely integrated form of regenerative and preventative psychosomatic healthcare.

Dr Bosh co-established the Biomedic Centre in central London, where she was practising from 1994-2020, holding positions of: a Director of the Biomedic Centre, Director of Clinical Studies for the British Academy for Bioregulatory Medicine and the President of the International Society for Bioregulatory Medicine.

She Co-founded the Biomedic Foundation in 1995, a registered charity for medical research and education; Academy for Bioregulatory Medicine, British Society for Bioregulatory Medicine and the International Society for Bioregulatory Medicine.         

Defined a condition called Presomatic Syndrome and devised its medical treatment;

Developed Psychosomatic Bodywork - Tatyana’s authentic therapeutic methodology;

Dr Bosh spent the past 30 years refining Bioregulatory therapy in practice and lecturing worldwide.

SPECIAL AWARD: In 2000 Dr Bosh was awarded the Millennium Award for treatment of Post-Traumatic-Stress-Disorder (PTSD) with her authentic bioregulatory therapeutic approach, and was consequently granted a lifetime Millennium Awards Fellowship.